Dental Implants

Smile bright at Kind Family Dentistry!

. . . This gentleman was the best dentist. He worked on my wife’s teeth. Replaced all mine . . . also became a friend. I would recommend [him] to all my friends and people I meet on the street. I give him 110%. [I’m] overly satisfied. I cannot say enough about him . . . [if] you need your teeth worked on, go to him.”
Steve K.

Top Rated Dental Implant Practice in Scottsdale, AZ

Losing a tooth doesn’t mean you’ll have to deal with a bad grin or experience difficulty while chewing. Dental implants are a practical and permanent solution that our Scottsdale Dentist team can provide by surgically placing an anchor for a replacement tooth. These prosthetic teeth resemble natural ones, elevating your smile’s appearance. At Kind Family Dentistry, our dentists provide implants made of durable materials that are biocompatible, resistant to corrosion, and exhibit strong mechanical properties. Discuss your smile goals or dental concerns for high-quality dental implants in Scottsdale, AZ, with our team. 

family dentist kind family dentistry scottsdale az dental implants image

Understanding The Implant Procedure

Dental implants are placed in three stages at Kind Family Dentistry in Scottsdale, Arizona:

  1. The post is inserted into the jawbone by our dentist.
  2. Your wound heals and undergoes osseointegration, which means it joins forces with the bone to form a strong foundation.
  3. We attach a fake tooth securely to the implant.

Call Kind Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment so we can assess your unique needs and find a custom solution that’s worth smiling about! Learn about your implant customization options from our dentist in Scottsdale


How Do We Customize Implants For Dental Care?

Our dentists recommend dental prosthetics depending on the count of missing teeth or the patient’s restoration requirements. Some common implant customization options include:

Single Tooth Replacement:

This implant option is ideal when you have lost only one tooth due to decay, oral health issues, or an accident. 

Multiple Missing Teeth:

When you experience a smile gap due to losing many teeth, multiple implants can be the best fit. Here, dentists use more than one dental implant to give you a perfect grin. 

Implant-Supported Dentures:

For individuals wearing dentures while having no real teeth attached to their jaws, this customization can work wonders. Your dentures will remain secured and functional using this mode of artificial tooth replacement. 

Entire Arches of Missing Teeth:

Most implant specialists recommend All-on-4 or All-on-6 implants to patients when they are missing the entire arch of teeth. They ensure better prosthetic support, helping you speak, eat, and smile confidently. 

Restore Your Smile With Our Dental Implant Specialists

Every smile is worth saving! Make an appointment to discover if a dental implant could improve the appearance and function of your mouth. Book your consultation with our dentists today for exceptional implant dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ. You can count on our specialists for dental sealants, implants, bridges, and more!

Call Kind Family Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, your local dentist, at 480-948-4944 to schedule an appointment today!

Our location: 7000 East Shea Boulevard, Suite #1510, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 .